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timothyweastman@gmail.com - 3/29/2021 5:15:13 PM
Changing instance colors in layout mode
I am sure there are easier ways to change colors of entities in layout instances. I use Ctrl Z to change attributes, usually to black. This gets old after a while. Any tips would be appreciated.


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jmccullough@kubotek3d.com - 3/30/2021 9:01:27 AM
RE:Changing instance colors in layout mode
What rendering mode are you using? If HLR/HLD there are attribute settings for 6 different types of instance entities. These can be saved in your CKD or CKT template so they apply automatically to new instances. 
John Wright McCullough
GM Marketing, Kubotek3D

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wkrol@kubotek3d.com - 4/5/2021 1:04:00 PM
RE:Changing instance colors in layout mode
This may help.
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timothyweastman@gmail.com - 10/11/2022 3:53:34 PM
RE:Changing instance colors in layout mode
Better late than never. Thanks, I finally had some time to check it out. Next question is whether there is a way to create default text fonts for notes and balloons. I would like to standardize my layouts and try to make them look better. Changing settings on the fly leads to different type fonts etc from drawing to drawing and do not look good.

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wkrol@kubotek3d.com - 10/12/2022 8:57:42 AM
RE:Changing instance colors in layout mode
Set all your Detail> Setting> Style Editor in your border files.  Then check on to use those setting from border file in Layout Control dialog.  This will keep layout settings seperate from model.
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timothyweastman@gmail.com - 10/12/2022 11:10:35 AM
RE:Changing instance colors in layout mode
Thanks. I blundered through it yesterday and came to the same conclusion after looking in vain for any documentation under either Help or Walt's lessons. Now I figured that out I hope my drawings might look less random! 
