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Hans_Winkler - (9/15/2021 12:43:58 PM)
RE:kxl notestate issue
Dana, a few things I found
1) Your commas are a little off
CIRDIM 2, , ,arcx ,arcy ,arcz ,hArc,,,0,,,,,diminfo1,,txtatt (your line)
CIRDIM 2, , ,arcx ,arcy ,arcz ,hArc,,,, 0,,, diminfo1, diminfo2, txtatt
2) The following two parameters can't be 0 according to the docs
diminfo1[17] = 1
diminfo1[25] = 1

3) According to the docs for the CIRDIM, if you define diminfo1, then diminfo2 must also be defined!
(from the docs) [iaDimInfo1] .... If this array is given daDimInfo2 must also be given.

You are going to have to define the diminfo2 to your liking. The code below works, though I'm sure you have to tweak the diminfo2 array.

INT hundo
NoteState hundo

MASKENTITY 3  //arcs and circles

// Prompt the user to select an entity
GetEnt "Select arc to modify", hArc, hArci, 0, 0, 1, 0
if (@error != 0)
    GOTO end

arcdia = @dbldat[0] * 2
arcx = @matrix[9]
arcy = @matrix[10]
arcz = @matrix[11]

CLEAR diminfo1
INT diminfo1[0]
ARRAY diminfo1[40] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
diminfo1[0] = 1
diminfo1[1] = 3
diminfo1[8] = 46
diminfo1[9] = 1
diminfo1[10] = 1
diminfo1[14] = 1
diminfo1[16] = 7
diminfo1[29] = 14
diminfo1[30] = 8
diminfo1[31] = 14
diminfo1[32] = 8

diminfo1[17] = 1
diminfo1[25] = 1

double txtatt[13] = {0, arcdia/10, 1, .6, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}

CLEAR diminfo2
DOUBLE diminfo2[0]
ARRAY diminfo2[11] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1}

 CIRDIM 2, , ,arcx ,arcy ,arcz ,hArc,,,, 0,,, diminfo1, diminfo2, txtatt

GETDBL "Enter new diameter (%f)", arcdia, newdia
on (@key + 3) goto finish, finish,


HEntity hDim
LastEnt hDim

CLEAR adPickPt
Double adPickPt[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }
CLEAR aAddFaces
HEntity aAddFaces[0]
CLEAR aRemoveFaces
HEntity aRemoveFaces[0]
DIMENSIONDRIVENEDIT hDim, adPickPt, newdia, aAddFaces, aRemoveFaces

DelEnt hDim
purgeto hundo

