Soli wrote: Hans and Dana, Your help is highly appreciated. All set functions work very well. But ExportEntities aGenSelEnts , PDF , "TEST.PDF" produces an additional unwanted view 1 of the model at x=0 y=0 of the drawing. (for both All display or Window selection method ) Other problem. The line thickness is very thin and is not related to the width scale in the setting configuration. I have to try harder. Thank you.
Hans and Dana,
Your help is highly appreciated.
All set functions work very well. But ExportEntities aGenSelEnts , PDF , "TEST.PDF" produces an additional unwanted view 1 of the model at x=0 y=0 of the drawing.
(for both All display or Window selection method )
Other problem.
The line thickness is very thin and is not related to the width scale in the setting configuration.
I have to try harder. Thank you.
Dana wrote: The Autoit script to drive it through the menus solves that, and does some additional interfacing with our PDM system. The line of Autoit code I posted above is part of a larger routine that retrieves the layout name and description,
Hans_Winkler wrote: Hi Dana, Would you be willing to share some more of that Autoit code, as it pertains to the PDF export (Save As) dialog box? When a saved CKD file is exported to PDF, it automatically fills in the CKD filename into the file name combo box and highlights that text. When that is the case I'm unable to set that text. Thank you, Hans