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Hankwt - (3/9/2016 4:14:20 PM)
RE:SpaceExplorer and KC
Wayne  Yes I am using windows 10   on a work station and a laptop The spacepilot works on both.   I am glad you mentioned the drift thing  I had this issue at one time  and no matter what Tech support  suggested they couldnt get it to stop    I hounded them as i was still under warranty at the time  and they finally hooked me up with a pleasant woman in germany who called me   i downloaded several  diagnostic softwarefrom her that eventually showed my space pilot to be defective.        Within 2 days they shipped me a new one.    Long story short......  maybe if your mouse is drifting or your file  keeps rotating unassisted  your 10 year old space pilot may be nothing more than a fancy paper weight now.            have you called their tech support ??   It maybe fruitless as they are of the opinion ( which I found out the hard way ) is that if it works with their software  itsthe other softwares problem !!    maybe KC  can step up and give a seat top Space Connexion to " Debug" so to speak for other KC users that may purchase the space pilot.