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Lardo - (5/2/2016 3:17:39 PM)
Are they finally serious about "interoperability"?
Just came across this in the latest edition of Desktop Engineering.


Okay, so Autodesk & Siemens are collaborating on an interoperability solution. But then again... are they really? Will there solution work with files from ALL the other CAD vendors? Or will it only allow "interoperability" between Autodesk & Siemens files?

Quoted from the article; "The idea is to infuse interoperability across a range of products BETWEEN THE TWO SOFTWARE LEADERS...." (emphasis mine)

Sounds to me like Autodesk and Siemens are trying to "gang up" on, rather than work with, their competition. If they really cared about true interoperability, they'd adopt an attitude similar to KeyCreator. Where imported files, regardless of where they come from, are treated as native.

When are engineers and designers going to quit buying into the "hype and glitter" from the "software leaders", and turn to the tools that work... direct modeling?