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Lardo - (11/10/2016 3:40:02 PM)
Kubotek Blog
Not sure where I should post this, so I'm posting it here. If I error in doing so, please don't flog me. :)

So I'm over at the blog, checking out today's posting, and I want to add a comment. (a question, really.) I enter my email address in the line provided, and type my comment, check the subscribe box and hit submit. And I promptly get the following error message;

One or more errors occurred
* username / first name / last name may not be empty
* username must be between 1 and 100

Okay, so first off, there is no place to enter a 'username'. Only an email address and website URL. Both of which I entered correctly. Secondly, I've tried to submit this comment 4 times now, and keep getting the same error. So what's up?